Lawyer Appointment System

Lawyer is a SaaS Based Lawyer Appointment System. In this system, a client can free register and login and make an appointment with his/her desired lawyer. Client can search lawyer based on location or chember departmentwise and appoint quickly. Lawyer can also login and create prescription for his clients, manage schedule etc.
This system was made using the popular Laravel php framework. Strong security was maintained during the development and there is no sql injection, xss attack, csrf attack possible.
Lawyer Features
- Login, forget and reset password option
- Profile information, photo, password change option
- Monthwise earning view from dashboard
- New appointment show
- Prescription create and edit option with print(future date appoitment manage restricted)
- Appointment history and Prescription edit option
- Manage own leave days
- Datewise payment history search option and show earning
- See own weekday schedules
- Messaging option with own Clients
- RTL support
- Zoom Meeting
Client Features
- Client registration system with email verification
- Client Login, forget and reset password option
- Profile information, photo, password change option
- Create appointment and payment from quick appointment section on menu
- Create appointment and payment from single lawyer page
- Messaging option with own lawyers
- Own appointments view option
- Prescription print option
- See orders and details.
- RTL support
- Zoom Meeting
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